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Children's Rights in Pakistan - Words of Noor


Children's rights is a part of human rights, a child is a person who’s the age of under 18, the government made new laws and modified old children laws related to many child issues because according to the law every child has a right to spend their life with freedom in a country. The board of children right committees like UN, UNFCCC, UNICEF, WHO to monitor the bodies of children justice has enhanced the protection of children and provide every facility. The government has a responsibility to monitor child laws and to measure the rights equally fulfill or not. All children have a right to live in a safe environment, the government has the responsibility to develop a healthier environment for children because children are a bright future of any economy, and a healthy peaceful environment builds a healthy child.

Children have a right to enjoy their life without facing any issue but, in Pakistan, children face many issues related to poor health, poor education, unhealthy environment, and early child marriages, work as labor, early pregnancy, conflicts, brutality, and so on. All children consider equally no unfairness exists in the country whatever their child's religion, background, family, status, languages, and so on. Stolen childhood (2007) report stated that Pakistan has a 148th ranked out of 172 countries in the least children's rights. According to article 31 to provide an opportunity for children that they have contributed to cultural, artistic, recreational activities. According to article 28 to encourage the education system for children, to provide free of school make attendance properly and so on. United national human rights council (2017) analyzed that previously Pakistan has regardful for child protection but now in five years, Pakistan has less progress show in children's safety. The government has to take action for the children regarding their freedom, laws, justices, and rights. According to the United national children's funds, Early Child marriages have the main issue in Pakistan like in rural areas, below the age of 18, 21% girls survive from marriage life and face many health issues. In 2017 school attacks are a serious issue in which many children lose their life. The UN committee said that to create a safe procurement school for the purpose of protection from the attacks. The UNICEF (2017) report stated that in Pakistan 16% of children perform work as labor between the ages of 6 to 17. As per the law, the child can not involve in any factory as a worker.

The purpose of child rights to create awareness about the rights of freedom, develop healthier mindsets, enhanced social performance, and develop a better living of standard, awareness is important because children rise their voice against the violence, sexual abuses, discrimination, nationality, poor education, and poor health or against any bad action.

Registration, name, nationality, and care is a human right of every child, around 7 to 43 countries to encourage birth registration and nationality, millions of people to live without registration around the globe and face many issues. Due to a lack of registration, the government doesn’t authentically measure the number of citizenship. Children have the authority to register legally by the government because they have a right to a nationality. Registration, name, nationality, is important because after recognition children spent their life with freedom, respectfully and peacefully. Recognition to build a better child personality and improve living standards. Nationality is important, without a nationality the child face discrimination in entire life.

Registration of a child to measure the child ratio and evaluate how much resources are needed in a country. The federal government to give child nationality based on parents and guardian and consider as citizenship if the child father involves in diplomacy so the child is not considered as citizenship. Child nationality considers as a member of society they have a right to hold their rights and regulation, adopted social facilities like health, education, shelter, food. For the nationality, union council birth certificate is compulsory for every child, through these certificates the Local government to monitor and record the child issues. Pervious the past 20 years the child registration level increase by 58% to 65% between 2000 and 2001.

Children’s Health (pediatrics) always keeping their eye on the health, growth, forming, and progress of the children from the time before their birth to toddlerhood till/until their childhood end that every child has to get his or her full healthy rights regarding their health and growth. In the 19th and 20th centuries, an individual knows and understand the pediatrics as a specialty in medical because people gradually got realized that nowadays, the health and the problems (diseases) of children are dissimilar from the diseases occurred in their adults although most of the types/variety of diseases are inherited as many babies can get diabetes and iron deficiency before their birth and the reply of children’s health against the environment, behavior, medication depends on the age, the The more they going towards adulthood the more their body can become strong.

The healthy family plays a vital and efficient role in the forming, upgrading and development of the health of their kids/children either the health is physical or mental It is very essential for a child to groomed and become determinant under the supervision of both parents because the mindset of children will also be influenced by their parents, If a family is not a healthy family, it would directly hit their children negatively like their children would not be able to do to anything with a fresh mind means they would become mentally ill and this mental illness can also cause depression and the failure in their children’s future. It is necessary for parents to prevent and guards their children from any kind of physical harm, both parents must look after their child and from initially they have to teach all the safety precautions as wearing seat/safety belts or having helmets while driving a car or bike, and also tell their children about any type of harms like smoking, drinking alcohol which would damage them physically or emotionally.  

According to DAWN NEWS, the death rate of babies (infants, toddlers) in Pakistan is increasing day by day because of most of the unpreventable diseases are growing inside the human body due to an unhealthy environment. As Pakistan is an agricultural country and most of its areas are the rural areas, where many people are less educated, less knowledgeable, and especially mothers (women) are still unaware of their physical and mental healthcare information during pregnancy and including this there is no concept of any sort of childcare facilities in these rural areas. This is the main reason for this death rate problem that is arising in Pakistan but one more reason for this problem is the high inflation rate in Pakistan, people cannot get healthy nutritious food, educational facilities in affordable prices which badly affects the morality and health of an individual, That’s why nowadays children’s health has been become the severe issue of Pakistan for many years and to overcome this issue The government of Pakistan must take some serious concern towards the health of the children by providing proper healthcare facilities at an affordable price.  “Right of the child of (1924) and Deceleration of the right of the child” stated that the child that is mentally and physically disabled, according to law, to provide legal protection, special security, and care, the government has responsibility to provide food, shelter, cloth for the wellbeing of the child, to create child care centers for their protection.

Parental guidance and protection, according to Child Rights International Network (CRIN) Parents are the basic and main source of protection or guidance for their children from the bad side of society which can badly influence the small minds of children that’s why Parental Guidance is very essential for the growth and development of the child. These are the parents who make their kids strong enough to fight and to raise their voices for getting their rights. This is the obligation on parents to protect, guide, teach and tell their kids about each and every, good and bad sides of society and the human being as well, as the rate of child abuses is increasing very rapidly. Parents also ensure and helps their children regarding any sort of decisions either it is related to their educational side, or professional side because they are individuals who are responsible for the upbringing of their children. Sometimes age differences between the children and their parents can bring a problem of shyness and fear which can cause a hurdle that children would not be able to talk to their parents or to tell them anything freely, so, this is the duty of parents to cut off these barriers, get the trust of their children and give their children a way of freedom so they can easily discuss their issues and get enough confidence to protect themselves and to compete with the world for getting their rights.

Child abuse is the maltreatment with the child by an adult. It is divided into three dimensions which are physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. All these equally deteriorate and devastating for those children who are suffering from. Now a day’s child abuse in Pakistan is one of the major and key issues, it is increasing day by day and become an alarming situation for the government. Even when a kid is working as labor is also considered as child abuse (physical abuse). Generally, people do not talk about sexual abuse, people who have gone through it they are shy, they do not want to say it loud, they do not want to talk their parents, and as a kid when someone wants to talk about it they are not really welcomed, their parents tell them to not to talk about it as it is considered taboo and a bad thing in Pakistan. As par Sehrish Wasif (2018), SAHIL (child protection organization) report 2017, stated that more than 09 children abused in a day which is increased in 2018 and reached on 12 child abuse cases per day. Pakistan stands in 20 those countries in which abusers and culprits of children and women are absconding from the charges because of improper investigation and poor implementation of laws (Saman Siddique, 2018). According to a report of UN Pakistan is least safe for children among 40 countries of the world because of the absence of protective conditions for the children (Joanne Lu, 2019).

Child discrimination is a broader term, a child can be discriminated against many reasons age, gender, education, religion, social class, disability, and many more. Gender discrimination is most common in Pakistan, always a girl child faced gender discrimination in the traditional society of Pakistan. All these discriminations negatively affect children and lead to a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem, it also creates many mental health issues like stress, depression, and anxiety. According to the report of the Global Gender Gap Index, 2016, Pakistan ranked 144 out of 145 countries. Pakistan ranked 112 in the first year (2006) of the report then its position has been getting worst every year. In 2013, Pakistan ranked 135, in 2014 ranked 141, in 2015 Pakistan ranked 143 in the world (Mansoor Qaisar, 2017). According to the Human Rights of UNITED NATIONS (Article 2), this is the responsibility of the state to protect the child against any type of discrimination. 

Child education, education plays a vital role in the development of any nation. Educated people play an important role in this development. Through education, people get awareness about different things, learn the skills of tolerance, and a level of confidence. Educated people can differentiate easily about what is right or wrong. Education is a magic build that is used to target all the ills that exist in the society where we live. (Quddus, 1990).

A school is a place where the future of any nation can build effectively. School is a base for children that creates the foundation of knowledge and different types of skills that are needed to survive in this demanding world. School education impacts the whole life of the children, the education of college and universities also depend on it. To facilitate our future in the best possible way, The government of Pakistan takes different initiatives to provide quality education to children. For this purpose, the government utilizes its financial recourses, human recourses, and gets international funds also to access qualitative education in Pakistan. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 26), free education is a right of every child. Pakistan already had different laws for children's education. It is unexpected to note that avoid an individual’s educational rights in Pakistan is universal. Though it is the state's responsibility to make available free of charge and essential education to the subjects as mentioned in Article 25-A of the constitution of Pakistan (1973). Many children send to work due to their insufficient condition of the economy.

When we talk about education we know that education is the right of every child but still millions of children are not getting their primary education. According to a report of CRPD (Convention on the right of the person with disabilities), less than 5% of children with minor disabilities enrolled in schools. According to the UNICEF report, In Pakistan, 19% of children between the ages of five and 16 are still out of school. THE CEO OF education trust Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi. Baela Raza Jamil said: “The most critical of assets for any country is its human resources and Pakistan has these in abundance. Sadly its learning needs remain far from met.

Child labor is one of the fastest-growing problems faced by Pakistan after independence. This badly impacts children's mental and physical health as well. About 8 to 10 million child labor exists in Pakistan and with time this rate increases day by day. In ranking, Pakistan has 3 rd position in child forces. The government of Pakistan failed to control this illness of our society. According to Child Rights Movement (CRM), 12.5 million children make a victim of child labor due to massive poverty existing in the country, parents recommend their children to work to reach the target of take-home sale.  The Federal Bureau of Statistics stated that 3.8 million children aged group of 5-14 years are working in Pakistan out of a total of 40 million children in this age group; fifty percent of these inexpensively active children are in the age group of 5 to 9 years. Even out of these 3.8 million economically active children, 2.7 million were claimed to be working in the agriculture sector. Two million and four hundred thousand (73%) of them were said to be boys. There are many laws to control child labor in Pakistan, but these laws are ignored. According to article 11(3) below the age of 14, no child is allowed to work in a factory or anywhere. According to the Employment of Children Act 1991, a “child” is categorizing as a person below 14 years of age and a “teenager” is below 18 years of age. According to the constitution of Pakistan bare minimum work age is 14. The child labor rates high in different cities of Pakistan like Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Islamabad, and Sialkot as well. According to federal policy, Pakistan’s government has forbidden risky labor under age 14, military service under 18. Besides, Pakistan has legally abolished all child labor in forced or indentured servitude, something that did play a role in the nation’s past.



Children are the assets of any nation because they are the ones who serve and contribute to the nation’s success so this is the responsibility of the Government of Pakistan to take care of every child and should hire qualified teachers for the education system and build a better education system to make rules and policies. Continuously monitor children's rights rules and laws and also check that all the rules are properly following or not if the rules and laws are not following properly, then charge penalties. For the safety protection and registration of children to conduct important measures like proper data recording. Conduct awareness programs related to early child marriages. Eliminate inequality in the education system. Should allocate a proper budget for the purpose of child protection and also providing basic necessities. Should increase the research and development department and expand services to measure a child's health issues problem. Pakistan is an agriculture-based country and it is in the developing stage, most of its the population is living in the rural areas and they are not much aware regarding the rights of their health and their children health, it is the duty of Pakistan’s government gives all the rights and proper health care facilities to Pakistan’s population regarding their health and their children’s health by giving awareness sessions to expected mothers regarding their health in pregnancy and to those people who live in rural areas especially, open free health care clinics and centers for children so that parents could come there and get free medical facilities. Parents should protect and secure their children from any sort of harm whether it is physical harm, emotional harm or mental harm, and also make their children strong enough to compete with the world.



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