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5 simple steps to a job winning CV - Words of Noor

Even after completing the graduation most of the students do not know how to write a good CV (curriculum vitae) if they do not have any prior experience. They do not know where to start, what to put on their CV, and which format they should follow. To make a good CV for applying any job students search on the internet but they do not found any concrete or standard CV format because there is no such thing as the perfect CV. In this article, we are going to give a layout/format for the CV that helps you to get noticed by the employers. Let’s start writing a job-winning CV with no experience.

How to write a good CV

1st step: Header (personal information)

In the 1st step mention your personal information including your name, address, email, contact number, and your resume objective (personal profile). Your resume objective must include your field of the study, your experience and skills and reason for applying for the job and you should tailor this according to that the job criteria you are applying for. In this section you should include your LinkedIn profile as it becomes essential to have the presence on the professional networking site to increase your professional reputation. 

2nd step: Education

In this step you show your academic accomplishments. Start from your most recent academic program and then work your way back. Simply put the name of your degree or academic program with the name of the institution and years that you have spent on the program. You can also include your GPA (optional) and your courses that are relevant to the job for which you are applying.

3rd step: Work Experience

As you are making your CV to apply for your first job and you have not any past job experience so, in this section, you can write about your internship(s). Mention the name of the organization with your tasks and their description and date of your internship period.

4th step: Awards

As you do not have any past experience of a job so currently, you do not have any professional achievements, in this section you can simply write about your academic rewards and different certifications that you have achieved during your academic programs.

5th step: Skills

In the last step, you need to write your different skill sets. First write your personal and professional skills in your CV like communication, teamwork, leadership, critical thinking and problem solving, etc. Next, you need to write technical skills like SEO, creative writing, book-keeping, etc. 

These are 5 simple, easy, and fast steps that help you to make a good CV with no time.


I really hope this blog will helpful for those who are applying for the first job. 


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