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What is the Brand Identity Prism? - Words of Noor

Jean-Noel Kapferer established a model “Brand Identity Prism”, through this model companies can build a powerful and strong brand that helps companies to stand out from their competitors, can attract more number of the customer along with the increment in customer loyalty. Brand Identity Prism is a hexagonal prism, the name of these six elements are physique, personality, relationship, culture, reflection, and self-image. Now, let’s examine the Brand Identity Prism with the help of an example of Nestle Maggi.   Brand Identity Prism of Nestle Maggi 1.       Brand Physique Brand the physique is the first and foremost step in the development of a brand, brands must have physical qualities and specifications. The physical characteristic of Nestle Maggi is well-packaged food in colorful and attractive packaging.    2.       Brand Personality A brand is defined as a character or personality, the same as a human brand also has some characteristics. For example, the personality of Ne
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Children's Rights in Pakistan - Words of Noor

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5 simple steps to a job winning CV - Words of Noor

Even after completing the graduation most of the students do not know how to write a good CV (curriculum vitae) if they do not have any prior experience. They do not know where to start, what to put on their CV, and which format they should follow. To make a good CV for applying any job students search on the internet but they do not found any concrete or standard CV format because there is no such thing as the perfect CV. In this article, we are going to give a layout/format for the CV that helps you to get noticed by the employers. Let’s start writing a job-winning CV with no experience. 1 st step: Header (personal information) In the 1 st step mention your personal information including your name, address, email, contact number, and your resume objective (personal profile). Your resume objective must include your field of the study, your experience and skills and reason for applying for the job and you should tailor this according to that the job criteria you are applying for.

Digital Marketing - Words of Noor

What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is one of those terms that shrouded in confusion and seems to mean different to everyone it’s also been made to seem way more complicated than it actually is. That’s why in this blog we are diving in headfirst to uncover what exactly is digital marketing and how does it all works. So, what is digital marketing? It is as simple as going to sound, digital marketing is just marketing using different digital tools like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter, etc., and marketing is nothing more than communicating value to your customers. Thus, digital marketing is communicating value to your customers using digital tools. As compared to traditional marketing digital marketing is more cost-efficient and allows you to measure, monitor, analyze, and test at a much better and much faster rate. As consumer media consumption trends continue to shift dramatically away from traditional and towards more and more digital content there

Industry vs. Academia - Words of Noor

Businesses often see, collaboration with universities is the ideal way to develop more innovative ways of working. However, these collaborations present several challenges due to the differences between them. Both academia and industry have different mindsets and different goals because of so many reasons. Industry focuses on short-term goals, profits, and risk reduction whereas academia looks for prestige, benefits, and long-term goals. The differences between their goals create a huge gap and that’s why academia and industry are not in harmony. The relationship between academia and industry should like sea and land, they should complement each other so that we need to maintain a smooth flow between them. But unfortunately, there is a huge gap between both of them, most of the employers are not satisfied with fresh graduates and 82% of employers said that they do not hire fresh graduates.     According to Naqeebz Consulting , 78% of employers are not satisfied with the quality of cu